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Thyroid is in charge of creating and producing hormones that are vital to many different systems throughout the body. But sometimes, it happens that the hormones produced by the thyroid are either too much or too little, and these important hormones are responsible for causing thyroid disease.
There are different types of thyroid disease, including hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and thyroiditis. It is important for individuals to pay attention to the changes happening in their bodies so that they can reach out to the doctor for a diagnosis as soon as possible.
Likewise, to help individuals know about the warning signs of thyroid problems, we are here. In this article, we discuss all the common signs that a person experiences thyroid problems.
But before that, we would like to let you know about Dr. Rahul Mathur. He is one of the best Physician in Jaipur to approach in the case of a person dealing with thyroid issues. He has expertise in this field and provides the best treatment as well. Now let's discuss the signs that a person is experiencing thyroid problems experiences!
In this section, we discuss the warning signs of thyroid problems in detail, so pay attention to every warning sign:
Sudden weight gain or weight loss is one of the most common signs of thyroid problems. If a person is suffering from hypothyroidism, they will also suffer from obesity issues. But if a person is suffering from hyperthyroidism, they will start losing weight.
Sometimes an individual is not in the state to notice it. But actually, it is happening due to a thyroid problem. In that case, further diagnosis for the condition comes into consideration.
Feeling tired is a normal feeling. But in case a person is feeling tired all, it is important for them to go for a check-up. Thyroid disorders are responsible for causing fatigue and tiredness interchangeably. In most cases, even after 8 to 9 hours of sleep, a person feels tired and unable to do anything.
According to the type of thyroid problem, there is a slight change in heart rate. Thyroid-related issues are responsible for causing cardiac problems. For example, if a person is suffering from hypothyroidism, it results in an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone, which is responsible for causing a slower heart rate.
But when a person is suffering from hyperthyroidism, too much thyroid hormone is produced in the body. This is responsible for causing faster heartbeats, and sometimes these occur at an irregular rhythm. In that case, it is important to reach out to the doctor and get the diagnosis.
Sensitivity to heat and cold is also one of the most common symptoms of thyroid problems. It majorly happens because a person is not in a state to adapt to the changes happening in their surroundings. Sometimes they feel comfortable in the same surroundings, and the very next moment, they are not able to adjust. Thyroid disorders affect a person in various ways, and it entirely depends on the type of disorder they are going through.
It is important for individuals to understand that when the thyroid gland is overly active, it will cause constipation. Constipation occurs most frequently due to overall changes in the body. A person will stay constipated even after consuming the right medication.
Changes in blood cholesterol levels are also one of the most common signs of thyroid problems. This majorly happens because the impact is on the overall body, and a person is not even in a state to notice the changes.
Memory problems are also very common in people dealing with thyroid issues. Most of the time, a person does not pay attention to the memory change. But in reality, they are dealing with it due to the changes happening in their bodies. As we all know, the thyroid gland is in charge of producing a plethora of hormones that aid in the majority of bodily functions.
Anxiety comes like a gift with thyroid problems. This majorly happens when a person deals with hyperthyroidism. A person often starts feeling angry without any particular reason or warning. Furthermore, they have no control over their emotional outbursts either.
As we have already discussed, sometimes the thyroid problem leads to high blood pressure and, as a result, causes nervousness. In this case, body shaking is a common sign of it.
The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating the energy level of the body. But when a thyroid problem takes place, the energy is not regulated, due to which there is a slight change in sleeping schedule. A person is not in the state to maintain the sleeping schedule as they used to do previously.
Thyroid problems majorly take place due to inflammation of the thyroid gland. As a result, there is certain growth on the neck, which is also noticeable from the outside.
Thyroid problems are also responsible for affecting the eyes in a number of ways. Sometimes it causes red eyes or watery eyes and double vision problems. It is important for individuals to reach out to the doctor because this can lead to another eye-related condition as well.
There are so many other signs and symptoms of thyroid problems. But weight gain and weight loss are two of the most common ones. If you are experiencing unexpected weight gain or weight loss, just reach out to the doctor for a diagnosis.
This was all about the warning sign of thyroid problems. It is important for individuals to understand that they are not avoiding these signs and symptoms and to reach out to the doctor promptly. If they are avoiding these symptoms, there is a possibility some other problems may arise. Also, if you are someone who is experiencing some other symptoms that are linked with thyroid or other problems, then you can also discuss it with the doctor and get the treatment accordingly!
Q.1 - At what age do thyroid problems start?
Answer - In general, thyroid problem starts between the ages of 20 and 30. But in some cases, it can start earlier or in later stages as well. So yes, it is important to check out for signs and symptoms in connection with this condition.
Q.2 - What is the main cause of thyroid problems?
Answer - Autoimmune disease and iodine deficiency are among the main causes of thyroid problems. But in some cases, viruses and other factors are also responsible for causing this problem.
Q.3 - Can stress cause thyroid problems?
Answer - Stress alone is not responsible for causing thyroid disorders. But it can make the condition worse.
Q.4 - Can thyroid cause dizziness and balance problems?
Answer - Yes. Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms of thyroid problems, and sometimes a person experiences problems in making balance with things.
Q.5 - Can thyroid cause ear pressure?
Answer - There is a possibility that when a person is suffering from thyroid problems, there is some pain in the neck that happens due to inflammation of the thyroid gland. In most cases, it spreads to the jaw or ears, which causes pressure on the ear.
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