General practitioners are highly trained specialists who provide a range of non-surgical health care to adult patients. They care for difficult, serious, or unusual medical problems such as fever, cold, cough, diabetes, typhoid, malaria, dengue, etc, and watch the patient until these problems resolve or stabilize. Through General Physician, we are able to cure the problems of our routine or such diseases, which arise due to normal physical problems. Under which problems like cold, cold, fever, jaundice, malaria, blood pressure, sugar, etc. are diagnosed.
When there is a lack of insulin in the pancreas of the body, meaning less amount of insulin reaches, then the amount of glucose in the blood also increases. This condition is called diabetes.
It is a kind of infectious disease caused by mosquitoes. Which is caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. A special type of bacteria is found in this female mosquito, which is known in the medical language as Plasmodium.
Hypertension is a dangerous disease. Actually, this is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries increases significantly and due to this, the heart needs to work more than normal to maintain the flow of blood in the arteries.
The patient becomes short of breath, due to which there is a lack of oxygen in the body. According to experts, the problem is becoming serious due to reasons like obesity, pollution, lack of physical activity, and eating more fast food.
If you have a new type of pain in the middle of your chest or in your arms, upper back, jaw, neck, or upper abdomen that lasts for more than 5 minutes, If there are symptoms like fatigue or dizziness, then these symptoms can be indicative of heart attack.
Joint pain is a common condition characterized by pain, discomfort or discomfort in one or more joints in the body. The joints affected are usually the knees, shoulders, neck, elbows, and hips.
Jaundice is a disease that occurs due to the high amount of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is produced in the tissues and blood of the body. Usually, when red blood cells break down due to some reason, yellow-colored bilirubin is formed.
TB is an infectious disease caused by tuberculosis bacteria. The biggest effect of this disease is on the lungs. Apart from the lungs, TB can also occur in the brain, uterus, mouth, liver, kidney, throat, etc.
Our expert general physician provides advanced treatment and provides a pain-free life.
Dr. Rahul Mathur is the most trusted general physician doctor in Jaipur. He has more than 9+ years of experience in this field and provides advanced treatment of asthma, allergy, fever, diabetes, headache/migraine, etc. Dr. Rahul Mathur has undergone International Training in Internal Medicine from the United Kingdom. Currently, he is working at CK Birla Hospital RBH, Jaipur as an Associate Consultant - Internal Medicine.
Dr. Rahul Mathur: Best General Physician in Jaipur provides the best treatment for:
Dr. Raman Mathur is a Consultant Emergency Physician in Jaipur. He has more than 7+ years of experience in treating successfully Immediate Medical Assistance In The Case Of Accidents, Grievous injuries, And Illness. He is responsible for setting standards of clinical and professional practice in emergency medicine. Currently, he is working at Eternal Multispeciality Hospital (EHCC) as a Consultant Emergency Physician.
Dr. Ramanl Mathur: Best Emergency Physician in Jaipur provides the best treatment for:
General Physician is a person who treats many major diseases like cancer, fever, heart problem, paralysis, covid-19, etc. The work of curing human diseases is done by the doctor. The doctor has been given the status of God, he cures many diseases of the people and gives them life. A General Physician is called the doctor. The physician treats any kind of disease related to the health-related human body and tells about them.
The physician finds out what is the disease in the patient's body, treats him at the right time, and also makes him aware of what precautions the patient should take. They treat patients and also do operations on those patients when they have a major disease and if a patient does not have a more serious disease, then by giving medicines to those patients, they solve their problem and treat them
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08:30 AM - 09:00 AM
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
With Prior Appointment
Dr. Rahul & Dr. Raman did a great job with my first-ever health exam. They explained everything to me in a very clear manner. They are also very kind and friendly and used to listen problem of patients very pationously. He relates well to people and takes time to listen and takes appropriate action on the symptoms.
My Mother was admitted under emergency health condition at CK Birla Hospital Jaipur and was treated by Dr Rahul Mathur. After discharge fhospitalital, she has been following medication given by Dr Rahul at his Clinic of Shipra Path - Mansarovar Jaipur. Thanks to the regular medicines & diet as prescribed by Dr Rahul Mathur, my Mother's health is recovering faster.
I am so happy with dr Rahul mathur treatment.Good & long experience in Cardio & diabetes So friendly & helpful dr.