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Jaundice is a disease that occurs due to the high amount of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is produced in the tissues and blood of the body. Usually, when red blood cells break down due to some reason, yellow-colored bilirubin is formed. Bilirubin is filtered out of the body by the liver, but when for some reason it does not go from the blood to the liver or is not filtered by the liver, then its amount increases in the body, which causes jaundice. It is a disease in which the total serum bilirubin level exceeds three milligrams per decimeter. The main symptoms of jaundice are yellowing of the white part of the eye.
Jaundice in most cases occur in newborns, but in some cases, it can also occur in adults. Based on its symptoms, the doctor confirms the type of jaundice and starts the process of treatment. If jaundice is not treated in time, it can lead to sepsis and in some cases can lead to liver failure. Therefore, proper treatment is necessary for time.
There are three main types of jaundice which include pre-hepatic jaundice, post-hepatic jaundice, and hepatocellular jaundice. Pre-hepatic jaundice is also known as hemolytic jaundice.
Based on the symptoms, the doctor first confirms the type of jaundice by examining the patient. After that, start the healing process.
Jaundice viruses are present in the stool of the patient, due to which the disease can spread. Also, jaundice can be spread through contaminated water, milk, and other food items.
If you want to keep yourself away from this disease, then you should take special care of the cleanliness around you. Also, before consuming food items, they should be washed thoroughly so that there is no risk of jaundice or other diseases and infections.
The biggest symptom of jaundice is the yellowing of the skin and eyes. Apart from this, when you have jaundice, you may experience the following symptoms yourself:-
If you experience the above symptoms in yourself or you suspect that you have jaundice, talk to your doctor immediately. The physician doctor can do some tests based on the symptoms and confirm the exact cause and provide proper treatment in time.
The function of bilirubin is to clean the dirt from the liver, but when for some reason its amount exceeds 2.5, it stops working. As a result, the problem of jaundice arises.
Due to the early breakdown of red blood cells, the number of bilirubin increases, which causes pre-hepatic jaundice. There can be other reasons for this which mainly include:-
Hepatocellular jaundice occurs when liver cells are damaged or some kind of infection spreads in the liver. This is mainly due to consumption of alcohol, consumption of more oily and spicy things, and constipation in the body.
Post-hepatic jaundice occurs when there is a blockage in the bile duct. A blockage in the bile duct can be caused by a liver injury, gallstones, hepatitis, or as a side effect of a medication.
Babies born before 37 weeks or 8.5 months have a higher risk of jaundice, as their liver is not yet fully developed. Also, babies who do not get enough breast milk are at risk of this disease.
Apart from all this, babies who have the following problems are also more prone to jaundice:-
Complications of jaundice depend on its cause and severity. Possible complications of jaundice may include:-
Jaundice is diagnosed in many ways. To diagnose jaundice, doctors usually suggest the following tests:-
The treatment of jaundice depends on its cause. To treat this disease, doctors can choose several treatment options, which include taking medicines, surgery, lifestyle and diet changes, etc.
Jaundice Treatment in Jaipur:
Get the consultation from Dr. Rahul Mathur for your jaundice disease, he provides the best and most advanced treatment for it and gets a pain-free life. He is one of the best general physician in Jaipur at Swasthya Clinic, Book an appointment now at +91 7300041110.
If you experience the following symptoms of jaundice yourself then you should consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible.
Ans: One of the main symptoms of jaundice is yellowing of the white part of the eyes. If your eyes have become yellow then you should consult a doctor immediately. Doctors confirm jaundice with the help of your symptoms and tests.
Ans: Various types of tests are done for jaundice which include a bilirubin test, complete blood count test, hepatitis A, B, and C test, MRI scan, ultrasound, CT scan, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, liver biopsy, etc.
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