What Food Should Avoid In Dengue?

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Foord Avoid in Dengue Fever: Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is spread from person to person. It can cause a range of symptoms, from mild fever and headache to severe abdominal pain and shock. While there is no known cure for dengue fever, taking certain preventative measures can help reduce your risk.

One of the measures people can take is to avoid certain foods that may increase their risk of developing or worsening the condition. This article will discuss the different foods to avoid in order to decrease the risk of dengue fever. Keep on reading till the last so that you will able to know which foods you need to avoid. Let's have a look!

Foord Avoid in Dengue Fever:

Dark-colored Foods:

It is advised to avoid dark-colored foods, especially those that are red or brown, as they can cause confusion in the diagnosis of the disease. Chocolate drinks, red or violet-colored juices, and foods like chocolate, can be mistaken for blood and mask one of the significant signs of disease progression, i.e., discoloration of urine, vomit, and stool.


While caffeine may provide energy, it is not advisable to consume caffeinated drinks during dengue fever. This is because caffeine acts as a diuretic, leading to dehydration and muscle breakdown, which is detrimental to the body as it requires ample water during the illness.

Spicy Foods:

Spices in food stimulate the stomach to produce more acid, which can irritate the stomach's walls and cause bleeding. Therefore, it is suggested to avoid spicy food during dengue fever to prevent the risk of stomach and intestinal bleeding.

Fatty Foods:

Dengue fever reduces the body's capacity for digestion, making it difficult to digest foods rich in fats. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid fatty foods such as cheese, fatty-meat cuts, butter, deep-fried foods, and avocado, which can put a load on the stomach and reduce energy levels.

Foods to Consume:

Foods Rich in Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is essential during dengue fever as it has anti-viral and anti-oxidative properties that strengthen the immunity system. Additionally, it helps in absorbing iron, a crucial nutrient during recovery. Foods rich in Vitamin C include oranges, lemons, papayas, pineapples, and green leafy vegetables.

Foods Rich in Iron:

The platelet counts tend to dip during dengue fever, and consuming iron-rich foods such as legumes, liver, meat, and green leafy vegetables can help to maintain blood hemoglobin levels and produce platelets. Platelets are crucial in the blood clotting process and can prevent blood loss, which is common during dengue fever.

Foods Rich in Vitamin K:

Vitamin K is another essential nutrient during dengue fever as it helps to increase platelet counts and promotes blood clotting. Including foods such as sprouts, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables that are a natural source of vitamin K can be helpful.

High-Calorie Foods:

During dengue fever, the body can become weak, and high-calorie foods such as milk, rice, and potatoes can help to regain lost strength and provide energy to the body.


Fluids are crucial during dengue fever as the body requires a lot of water to recover. Drinking plenty of water and consuming fluids such as coconut water and white rice kanji can help to balance electrolytes and keep the body hydrated.

Reach Dr. Rahul Mathur, Dengue Fever Doctor in Jaipur for 

Dr. Rahul Mathur is a renowned fever doctor in Jaipur who specializes in the treatment of dengue fever. With extensive experience in diagnosing and treating a wide range of febrile illnesses, Dr. Mathur has earned a reputation as one of the most trusted doctors in the city.

As a specialist, Dr. Rahul Mathur has the expertise and knowledge to diagnose and treat dengue fever effectively. He is famous for his compassionate approach and dedication to providing personalized care to each of his patients.

Dr. Mathur follows a comprehensive approach to dengue fever treatment, which includes monitoring the patient's symptoms closely and administering appropriate medications to manage fever and other symptoms.

FAQ: Foord Avoid in Dengue Fever

What are the primary steps to manage dengue?

The primary steps to manage dengue are to practice good mosquito control, get vaccinated if available, follow medical advice, educate those around you, and practice proper personal protection.

How can I protect myself from dengue?

Practicing proper personal protection is essential to help protect yourself from dengue, such as wearing insect repellent, wearing long sleeves, avoiding standing water, and keeping windows and door screens in good condition.

What kind of mosquito control should I be practicing?

The most effective way to practice mosquito control is to get rid of standing water around the home and periodically check stored containers such as tires, flower pots, and cans, to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes. Natural alternatives, such as spraying lemon grass oil or pyrethrum, may also serve as repellents.

Are there any effective treatments for dengue?

Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for helping to manage dengue. Treatment of dengue typically involves replenishing fluids and rest, and along with anti-pyretic medications and painkillers for fever reduction. More severe cases may require medical treatment such as IV fluids or blood transfusions.

Is there a vaccine available for dengue?

Currently, there is a vaccine available to help protect against certain types of dengue. The vaccine can help reduce the severity and duration of dengue, but it is not a guarantee against the virus. Discuss with a doctor or healthcare provider about the vaccination and to those considering the vaccine should be aware of the potential adverse effects.